Lawful conduct and ethical behavior are the basis for the business activities of Salzgitter Mannesmann Handel GmbH and thus an essential foundation for our joint success as a Salzgitter Group company.
Part of our corporate culture is fair and trusting cooperation, respect for generally recognized basic values in dealing with other people and fair conduct.
Responsible conduct in the sense of lawful and ethical behavior is an essential guideline for the business activities of Salzgitter Mannesmann Handel GmbH and thus for the sustainable success of the company.
To the Salzgitter Group Code of Conduct
To the Supplier Code of Conduct of the Salzgitter Group
Compliance Management System
Salzgitter Mannesmann Handel GmbH has implemented a Compliance Management System (CMS), which it is continuously developing. The internal compliance organization and the compliance management system are based on common standards for compliance management systems. Our compliance management system is based on the three pillars of prevent, detect and respond. With our compliance management system, we aim to prevent corruption, antitrust and competition violations, money laundering, fraud and the incorrect handling of potential conflicts of interest and to support our employees in this goal in their daily work.
Whistleblower system - reporting channels for compliance violations
We provide internal and external whistleblowers with various reporting channels to gain knowledge of any compliance violations. These are secure reporting channels that our employees and external whistleblowers can use to report possible breaches - confidentially and anonymously if they wish. Information about possible misconduct can also be reported to the Compliance Officer and the Compliance Desk of Salzgitter Mannesmann Handel GmbH via the management or managers. All employees are encouraged to raise concerns about serious misconduct in relation to the Code of Conduct, internal policies and/or applicable law without fear or risk of unfair treatment, discrimination or disadvantage.
You can reach the Compliance Officer and the Compliance Desk of Salzgitter Mannesmann Handel GmbH via the following e-mail address:
Information on compliance at Salzgitter AG and the Salzgitter Group's whistleblower system can be found here.
Information on data protection in the context of the whistleblower system can be found here.